School Features

1. Establish a good language foundation (English and Chinese):

*English activities led by a foreign English teacher everyday (Monday to Friday), and Mandarin activities led by a Mandarin teacher twice a week.

2. Plan to arrange free extracurricular activities and enrichment courses:

Including English activities and diversified activities for children’s whole-person development.

3. The honour of "Caring School Award” and Moral education:

We practice “Love Education”, establish a caring campus culture, and cultivate students’ good character.

4. Good environmental hygiene :

Regularly apply long-term disinfection coatings, set up protective table shield screens, and air purifiers.

5. Student and family support:

Our school supports new students to adapt to our school. Our school also arranges the Pre-primary one activities for K3 students. Besides, we provide social work service for Pre-primary Institutions and On-site Pre-primary Rehabilitations Services. More importantly, we provide professional counselling and referral service for children and families.

6. Good home-school cooperation:

There is a parent-teacher association holding parent talks and parent workshops regularly in our school. Additionally, our school organises parent day, class observation and parent-child activities. We also aim to strengthen our support network through parent groups and parent fellowships.

7. Multifarious activities

Our school organises a kaleidoscope of activities, ranging from Scouts, English Class, Abacus Mental Arithmetics Class, Creative Drawing Class, Multi-intelligence Class and Summer Fun Activities. Our students have been participating in storytelling competitions, drawing competitions and singing contests with satisfactory results.